Michael shares the key learnings and life changes that has made such a difference for him on his journey with stress. He also shares how those lessons have helped others whose lives he has touched and how they can help you dealing with the emotional and physical effects of stress.
This is a story about a friend of mine Chris and his wife Erika. We were away as part of a guy’s weekend and flying back from our trip. He shared with me how desperately he and his wife wanted to have kids. They had gone through every possible test and were told by Doctors they’d never be able to have children. They were devastated.
I told Chris more about my story around stress and asked if they had ever considered the possibility of stress having an impact. They had tried everything else and he was totally open.
Today, Chris and Erika have two beautiful girls. To add to this miracle, they were born one month part, they are not twins and yet they are both their own. To hear the rest of this story, you need to hear my talk.
I was very grateful to have gotten a referral to the Mayo Clinic to see if they could help me and help my body start sweating again. As you can imagine, not sweating made my body intolerant to heat since it couldn’t cool off.
Other Doctors told me things I already knew; stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water. When I went to the Mayo Clinic, the Neurologist looked at my blood test and he said he felt he could help me. I had the markers for Anhidrosis, a condition in which the body stops sweating. He wanted to put me through a battery of tests but if what he saw was accurate, there were pills that could assist.
I went through the tests and was due back two weeks later to discuss the results. I had also been working hard on my own to get my body to sweat through natural means. They included Qi Gong, Therapy, Chinese Herbs and other avenues. I had actually started to sweat a little bit.
The day I was supposed to go back to the Mayo Clinic I received a very strong message. My car was outside and it was a warm day. I was in business attire and when I reached in my car to grab something, I started sweating…profusely. Enough that I had to change my shirt.
I got the message. My markers would be gone. My solution wasn’t coming from a pill. It was coming from hard work. And it was going to be a journey.
Sure enough when I went back to the Mayo Clinic the Neurologist said my markers were gone. He was almost depressed because he said he couldn’t help me.
I told him about what I was doing naturally and what happened the day before. I thought he’d minimize it but instead he encouraged me to continue on my journey.
I also knew I was far from cured. The next day at the gym I barely sweated at all. I got lightheaded very quickly and had to keep my workout short. All I could do was smile. And continue on my journey